We have moved to 1875 Liberty St. NE. The move is complete and we will be seeing established patients on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning August 2.
We believe that our bodies are "intricately and wonderfully made" and as such are created to be self-healing. Unfortunately, many obstacles stand in the way of our bodies healing themselves. The focus of this practice is to identify these impediments and help to remove them.
A careful attempt will be made to identify structural, nutritional, toxic and other possible infections or genetic disorders. For any disease there is a "differential diagnosis" -- a list of all possible causes that physicians are taught. Our goal is to discover the condition, or conditions, that are involved in your disorder in order to remove the impediments to well-being.
Common disorders that Dr. Young treats:
Chronic fatigue
Autoimmune diseases
Cardiovascular disorders
Hormonal imbalances
Nervous system disorders
Chronic pain and headaches
Treatment Options
An integrative approach is used combining alternative practices such as acupuncture, with conventional western medicine in an attempt to treat the patient as a whole, instead of solely treating the symptom. Dr. Young has decades of experience and training in:
Craniosacral therapy
Chelation therapy
Oxidative therapies, prolozone
Neural therapy, neural kinesiology
Manipulative therapy
Pharmaceuticals used when absolutely necessary

Contact Us
1875 Liberty St NE
Salem, OR 97301
Tel: 503-371-1558
Fax: 503-375-3866